The flowering fruit trees are at their peak here in Portland. My neighborhood is very pink right now, it is really lovely. The trees are blooming much later this year then last. This March has been one of the rainiest on record, I think we only had one day of no rain. It hasn't been all bad though, we have had afternoons of sunshine here and there............. and rainbows.
A few week ago, before the trees where in their full glory, I gathered some branches from a park in my neighborhood. I took them home and gave them a shower(literally) and dried them and took them into the art class I teach every week, and the kids and I made blooming branches with tissue paper flowers. So very simple and easy to make. I think they are really beautiful. Sophie made me some for Mother's Day last year and I have had them in a vase on the bookshelf all year. It is nice to know that after all the pink trees turn green we will still have a little spring color in our house.