This is the biggest sewing project that I have accomplished. I actually followed a pattern!...yikes, I am usually a "wing it" kind of seamstress. It was also my therapy for dealing with a stressful time. It was a test in my patience because it took me several weeks to fully finish. It is usually very hard for me to put down sewing projects, I have to finish them right away.
The pattern I used for the tepee is Butterick #B4251. I made a few changes such as bamboo poles instead of PVC pipe. I also added some leaf appliques on the bottom of each panel and a sun above the doorway that are my own design. The fabric is a natural mid weight cotton material, I think it is muslin. I honestly just chose something affordable because the pattern called for 11 yards of fabric! I think it worked out well and is very tepee-like.
Solomon loves his new fort. He calls it his "town". It was set up in our living room for a week while I finished up the appliques and Sollie insisted on being in it at all times. Eating in it, watching movies in it, sitting on the potty chair in it. He has thanked me for making it several times. He really appreciates my handmade work, it is so sweet.
Since the weather has been so nice the tepee has since moved outside. A good place for eating strawberries, and blowing bubbles. I am also picturing myself out there this summer sipping a margarita out of a mason jar...
I LOVE it and I can't wait to come and drink margaritas in it! Yay!
Wow! That is an amazing tee pee. How lucky your little one is to have such a wonderful mama to create such a wonderful play space!
this is amazing...you have such talent!!
Wow!!! What a beautiful gift you created.
You have done an amazing job! My children would love this.
Warm wishes, Tonya
Very cool--great job Heidi!
Uncle Jeff
This is amazing, Im just about to start the butterwick teepee, Im new to sewing and blogging so if you fancy a laugh have a look here
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