Wednesday, May 27, 2009

At the fair and the farmers market

This little pony has freckles, so sweet!


Mom,this ones for you..

We didn't play any of the carnival games which was torture for Sophie. They sure do a good job of luring little kids with bright plastic toys.

This game was super creepy,check out the lady at the organ in the back. Each prop has a little target which is shot at with a shotgun. If the target is hit the prop becomes animated.(Shiver)...ahh did I mention it was creepy?

Sophie buried in corn.

I found corn in very uncomfortable places on Solomon later in the day.

Flowers at the farmers market

Hanging out at the Waldorf School playground.

Getting his daily dose of running away from mama.

Lazy day by the river.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Storybook Parade

Every year Sophie's school has a parade at the end of the year where the kids dress up as their favorite story book character. It was a beautiful day for a parade(Solomon's first,may I add). Sophie dressed up as her favorite comic character, Baby Mouse. For a look at the "real" Baby Mouse click here.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mother's Day Trip

We had a lovely trip to the coast for Mother's Day. The weather was nice except for the storms that blew in both nights. The first night the winds kept us awake and the second night it was thunder and hail. It was pretty exciting. We got a ton of agates too since the storm churned up the beaches pretty good. Solomon got to walk on the beach for the first time and pick up rocks. He liked to throw rocks into the surf, which was good exercise for me, pulling him back and running when the waves came rolling in. He has no fear and would have willingly walked right into the ocean. But it my opinion it still wasn't warm enough for a soaking wet baby. We did see a few kids swimming, but then there were kids in coats and hats building sandcastles too.
When the weather is sunny one minute and pouring the next it is hard to be too picky when out in the elements. We got lucky it seemed whenever we were OUT the weather was sunny and warm. We had the beaches almost to oursleves this time. That isn't going to be the case after school is out in a few weeks.