Friday, March 30, 2012

This Moment...

A moment from my week, one to cherish and remember. Inspired by Soulemama.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

This Moment...


A moment from my week to cherish and remember, inspired by Soulemama.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

This Moment: from the point of view of a proud new mama


A moment from my week to savor, cherish, and remember.
Inspired by soulemama.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Worth the wait......


We joyfully welcomed a baby girl, Nalah Penelope on March 6th at 11:36p.m. (16 days past her due date).
She is 9lbs 7oz, 20 1/2 inches long.
The birth was super fast after waiting so many long weeks to go into labor. My water broke at home at 10pm right before my Dad showed up to watch the kids. We arrived at the Birth Center at 10:30 and she arrived an hour later!
The Birth was intense, eventful and at times actually pretty terrifying(much like my pregnancy) which is part of the reason why I haven't slept more than 4 hours in as many days. I am still processing what happened during the birth and healing. I will share more later.

**Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement and kindness over the last several weeks. It really meant a lot to me.**

Sollie meeting his sister at the Birth Center. He had to see her feet right away!

Leave it to Sollie to look on the bright side." Awe,she is so cute!" he says as she screams in his face :)

I am so thrilled Sophie got the sister she wanted. Nalah reminds me of her very much and I feel at times I am holding baby Sophie all over again.