Tuesday, May 29, 2012

On moving and changes.....

Sorry for the lack of activity here, we are in the process of moving. We just moved into the downstairs apartment of our house, but it might as well be on the other side of the city. So much work....and so much cleaning to be done in our old place. I am trying to do it all on my own now until Ben gets back into town on Friday, the cleaning will have to wait until then since I can't bring a newborn and a 4 year old into an empty apartment and expect them to be happy watching me clean, so for now I am slowly unpacking and trying to make it feel like home. 
Although this apartment is so much nicer than the upstairs( high ceilings,hardwood floors...no black mold) I was feeling really sad to leave. Even though it is the same house it feels completely different. We lived up there for 7 years and that is the place we have lived the longest as a family. I think I was afraid that all the memories we had would disappear. I am really sensitive to stuff like that and have never been good at goodbyes, when it comes to moving I have a hard time adjusting at first.
Moving and postpartum hormones do not mix :(


Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

We have moved a lot- internationally between three countries- always with kids. One of the hardest moves of all was when we moved from a two bedroom to a three bedroom in the same apartment- I'm not sure if it was just that we got sloppy and tried to move things in loads of laundry baskets but that was one of the hardest moves to recover from.

Mama Gone Green said...

little nalah is so beautiful! hoping she gives you some time today to sort and organize!

Mama Gone Green said...

ps- i feel like she looks like sollie in that picture! so sweet that i can see the resemblance of your entire family in her sweet little face!

house full of jays said...

My heart is with you. How I'm feeling these days exactly - I don't have those same postpartum hormones to blame. Have fun settling in to your new home. xoR