Well our first day provided an optimistic light for our short spring break. Sunshine on the coast?! The many rain showers we drove through simply vanished into endless blue sky. The rest of our trip proved to be wet and cold. I am very happy that Ben and I purchased a new sleeping bag for the trip, we needed it. The yurt was COLD! Much,much colder than the yurts in Oregon. I slept like a baby though, both nights, must have been the sound of the ocean, best white noise ever. I am usually a night owl, trying to sneak in a few hours of drawing,sewing,or knitting while my motherhood is momentarily at pause while the kids are asleep. On our trip we pretty much went to bed when the sun went down and woke up just as it was rising,quite a change for me,but refreshing.
I pretty much expected the rain so I looked up the local thrift shops before our trip and we spend a good part of our Monday hitting thrift shops all up and down Hwy 101. I scored some fabric,Sophie found several books, Ben got a bunch of records, and Solomon is the proud new owner of a wooden Semi-Truck. On the last day we drove back down to the Oregon beaches before heading home. I was a bit disappointed by Cape Disappointments lack of rocks, it was nothing but one heck of a long sandy beach(there was however, quite an amazing selection of driftwood), so we had to hit my old reliable spot in order for me to feel satisfied. However,it was high tide and many other folks had the same idea. I only left with two small milk agates after braving the tides and a sideways blowing rain shower.
Maybe next time........
p.s.I made a faerie throne with the hopes of suprizing Sophie.She found it in the car before I could. We put it in the woods behind our yurt and the faeries left Sophie a whole sand dollar in return.
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