Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Margarita time

I know I talk about margaritas a lot (ask my friends :) but I really only have about 5 or so a year, on a good year. Summertime and margaritas just go so well together. Last year I spent my whole summer terribly ill so I am making up for it this year :) Ben and I found this yummy recipe and gave it a try for a little late summer Solstice celebration last weekend. Since we have a bottle of tequila now, and a freezer packed full of strawberries( a whole flat actually) I think I know what we will make on the 4th of July.... after the kids are in bed of course.


April said...

Mmm, looks delicious :) Enjoy, momma!

Mama Gone Green said...

We need to make some of these when I get back! Margaritas in your teepee? Do you still have a teepee?

house full of jays said...

Yum! Grapefruit margarita! That sounds delicious! I'll have to try it soon.

cassie said...

looks delicious! i have really been craving margaritas and mai tai's, but i'm pregnant... i guess you'll just have to enjoy them for me this summer.

Lady Cordelia said...

they look super yummy. and it's always wonderful to have a lot of strawberries around.

Corrabelle said...

I was going to make some mint juleps today...but I think you're changing my mind.