Friday, April 6, 2012

One month old already!


I can't believe it has been a month already,could it be. The weeks since Nalah's birth have gone by so quickly. I can't believe it is April already, March where did you go?
I am working on a long involved post about her birth and the events that lead up to it. I was debating on if I should share our birth story as it was not the peaceful birth I had hoped for, but I think sharing it would be good for me. A way for me to reflect and make peace. I will be eternally grateful that it all turned out okay in the end and that I get to be a Mama one more time over.



Wintry said...

Where has the time gone?? A month already? She is beautiful! Congrats again, mama!

April said...

It's just amazing how time flies, huh? She's beautiful.

Mama Gone Green said...

She looks so much like Sophie in that first picture!

house full of jays said...

Awww, she's just lovely. The months pass so quickly. Enjoy your moments with her. xo R

MamaWestWind said...

She is so beautiful! Congrats!